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Baroque design drawing

Significant estate of Ferdinand Andri

Discover the rich heritage of Ferdinand Andri, an outstanding painter and graphic artist of the 19th and 20th centuries, whose works still fascinate today.

Significant estate of Robin Christian Andersen

Robin Christian Andersen was an outstanding painter of the 20th century whose works still fascinate today.

Harvard Scrapbook 1907

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of student life at the prestigious Harvard University in 1907 with this unique scrapbook.

Kremser Schmidt's own handwritten patent document

Important parchment document from Vienna 1416

„Item da man zalt von Christi geburt vierzehenhunder jar dar nach in dem sechzehenden jar Deß Suntags nach dem heyligen Büssertag haben wir maister gemeinlich zu wienn und dfie geselln die sich dar zu gesambt habent In den Jarmarckt ze wyenn Durch der Ordnung und gehorsam willen her nach an dem brif geschriben stet gemacht habent. Item das ein yeder maister nicht mer lerknecht sol haben wenn ainen und den selben einen lerknechjt sol er dingen vir gantze jar und nicht chuertzer. Lenger mag er In wol dingen er geb im gelt oder mehr…“ – Item der briff ist der mayster und der geselln des hanntwercks der Ircher und auch weyss gerber“.

Brown ink on smoothed parchment with stylized initial "I" over 17 lines. 24 lines, 210 x 280 mm.

Academy photo Fritz Wotruba 1953

Parchment document from Emperor Maximilian I Vienna 1499

Herbarium Dr. Edward Hackel

Eduard Hackl's herbarium, created around the middle of the 19th century, contains over 2000 plant specimens, mainly from Lower Austria. It is an important piece of Austrian natural history with detailed descriptions and locations.Hackl's personal inventory is particularly noteworthy. This collection, created between 1833 and 1877, is invaluable for understanding the flora and fauna of Lower Austria.

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